What Are The Best Ways To Resolve IRS Debt?

Are you struggling with IRS debt? You’re not alone. Facing the Internal Revenue Service can be intimidating and overwhelming, but there are ways to resolve your debt.

In this article, we’ll discuss five of the best ways to resolve IRS debt, including negotiating an IRS payment plan, applying for an offer in compromise, disputing an IRS debt, and filing for bankruptcy. Whether you need a short-term or long-term solution, we’ve got you covered!

We’ll help you understand your options so that you can make the right decision for your financial situation.

Understanding Your Options

You’ve got options for resolving your IRS debt, so don’t panic!

The most effective way to resolve IRS debt is by entering into an installment agreement. This allows you to pay off the amount owed in monthly installments over a specified period of time.

Additionally, you may qualify for an offer in compromise which involves making a lump sum payment or series of payments that is less than the full amount owed.

Another option is requesting penalty abatement, which could waive some or all of the penalties associated with your debt.

Finally, if no other resolution works for you, bankruptcy may be an option worth considering.

Take some time to research each option and determine what works best for your unique situation.

Negotiating an IRS Payment Plan

Having trouble paying off your tax debt? Negotiating an IRS payment plan could be the answer you’re looking for. It’s a way to work out an agreement with the IRS on how to pay back your overdue taxes.

Here are four steps for negotiating an IRS payment plan:

  1. Contact the IRS as soon as possible.
  2. Calculate your ability to pay and develop a payment plan proposal.
  3. Submit Form 9465, Installment Agreement Request, along with necessary documents and fees.
  4. Make sure you have all of the paperwork required by the IRS and follow through on payments as agreed upon in your plan contract.

By taking these steps, you can effectively negotiate an agreeable payment plan with the IRS that meets both parties’ needs and helps you get back on track financially.

Applying for an Offer in Compromise

If you’re struggling to pay your taxes, an Offer in Compromise may be the solution for you. This is a special program created by the IRS to allow taxpayers with severe financial difficulties to settle their tax debt for less than they owe.

An Offer in Compromise is based on the idea that it’s better for the government to get something than nothing at all. To qualify, you must have filed all required returns and can’t have any unresolved disputes with the IRS. You also need to demonstrate that paying your full tax debt isn’t possible, either through a lump sum or payment plan.

If accepted, you’ll make a one-time payment or ongoing payments over time until your debt is resolved. Applying can be difficult, so it’s important to seek help from an experienced professional who can guide you through the process and maximize your chances of success.

Disputing an IRS Debt

Nobody likes dealing with the IRS, but if you believe you don’t owe a debt they’re claiming, disputing it is your right. You can submit form 9423 to dispute your debt. This form must be accompanied by evidence that supports your case and should explain why you disagree with the IRS’s assessment.

It’s important to note that once you’ve filed form 9423, all collection activities against you will stop until a resolution has been reached. Additionally, interest on the disputed amount will also cease during this period.

If the IRS agrees with your dispute and abates any of the original debt, it may take up to four months for them to process it and issue a refund.

Filing for Bankruptcy

Filing for bankruptcy can be an intimidating process, but it’s often the best way to get back on your feet financially. It’s important to consider if you’re eligible and what type of bankruptcy is right for your situation.

Before making any decisions, it’s best to consult a financial expert or attorney with experience in tax laws and IRS debt resolution. Bankruptcy can stop any collection activity, including garnishments and levies from the IRS. However, filing for bankruptcy won’t discharge all types of tax debts; some may still remain after the completion of your case.

If you’re considering filing for bankruptcy, make sure you understand all of the consequences before taking action.


You’ve now learned your options for resolving IRS debt.

Negotiating a payment plan, applying for an Offer in Compromise, disputing the debt, or filing for bankruptcy are all viable solutions depending on your individual situation.

Before making any decisions, though, it’s important to consult a professional who can evaluate and advise you on the best course of action.

Don’t let IRS debt overwhelm you; take control by exploring these options today.

Tips on Finding a Dentist for New Florida Residents

Lots of people moved to Florida this year and many more are coming in by the flocks. Traffic is a lot heavier now than it used to be. Many people moved because other states were just not the right fit for them anymore.

There are so many things to do when you move to a new state and finding a dentist is probably on no one’s list. It certainly never got on any of my lists.

But it’s easier if you do your research ahead of time before you have problems, because that’s when you have the added stress of rushing and your judgement can be off. Your thoughts and actions can be off too of course.

South Florida’s Best Dentists

If you’re living anywhere in South Florida, then you should just like many others visit a Plantation dentist. We’ve never seen a dentist with so many reviews, and so many that are so thorough and carefully written.

You can tell there’s something special going on there. Many people travel from Miami, Stuart, Hialeah, and more to go where they feel comfortable and where they’re treated very well.

Things to Look for

  • Pricing
  • Dental Insurance
  • Financing
  • Specialties

Key Things to Remember

Start by searching on Google and looking at the reviews. There are way more dentists in your area than you probably know. The best dentist might not be the biggest.

In fact, the biggest practice isn’t likely to be the best in terms of customer satisfaction. Many times, they’re run by people who know how to get new clients in the door, especially for one off services.

If you search on Google, you’ll get a mix of actual dental practices websites, and then directory listing type sites like Yelp.

Keep in mind that the companies like Yelp edit their reviews and ratings based on what they’re paid.

On Google, you can’t pay to get in the organic section. But what is the best way to do research is looking at the reviews from patients that have visited there.

Google reviews show the pictures and names and you can pretty much tell whether someone is real or fake. Also, you can tell if the review is fake. If it just doesn’t make sense or if it’s stuffed with keywords and out of context, then that’s a red flag.

What Are Your Needs?

Next, determine what your needs are. Do you want a dentist who does general checkups and cleanings? Or do you need orthodontics for yourself or one of your children?

Do some research on all of these dentists in order to make comparisons between them when it comes time to choose which office works best for your family’s individual needs.

Some specialize in restorative work, preventative, periodontist, pediatric, cosmetic, and some can do it all. But you won’t know if they can do it all for your particular needs unless you research them.

Set an Appointment

The next step is to set an appointment. Once you’ve found a dentist, set an appointment to do a regular checkup. You’ll get a good feel for the practice, the people, and the dentist in that first impression if you’re paying attention.

How do the hygienists work? Are they patient with you? Are they rushing to get many cleanings done?

Ask them about their prices in advance about services you may need in the future. A cleaning should cost somewhere around the $200 range.

It should never be more than that.

Ask About Financing Options

If you’re going to need a root canal, crowns, or other expensive procedures inthe future, ask about financing options before you agree to proceed. Many dentists will work with an outside company to offer 0% interest for dental services because they want your business and referrals long-term.

But do not proceed without getting this information first! You don’t want thousands of credit card debt just because it’s easy right now, only to have high-interest rates apply if paid over time.

Be Careful With Discount Dental Offers

There are many discount dental providers out there who claim their prices include cleanings, x-rays and exams all bundled into one. Many dentists have these offers as well.

But if you want to finance, they will not give you 0% interest with credit cards or offer discounts on other services like implants and dentures because these are considered elective procedures. If money is tight, select the lowest priced plan.

It can still be a great deal for what you’re getting in return, just don’t expect anything extra that costs more than $100-200 out of pocket.

Know What You Need Before Selecting Treatment Plans

When considering financing options before treatment begins it’s important to know exactly what specific treatments your dentist recommends doing at each visit so there aren’t any surprises later down the road when it comes time to make payments. This will also help ensure health is maintained over time.

Opening to the Public

The Cannery Public Market is a blog about restaurants and food. Green Bay Wisconsin is home to many great restaurants and we’ll review as many as we can.  We’ll talk about food, current events in the restaurant industry, and whatever else comes to mind.

Food is near and dear to our hearts and many other Wisconsinites.  It’s a major part of our culture and we want to celebrate it. Follow us as we share experiences about Green Bay’s food scene and beyond.

The Cannery Public Market is partnered with the MMMBA (Green Bay Area Chamber Of Commerce). All restaurants reviewed on this site have been visited or recommended by members of the MMMBA.

There are so many great places to eat in Wisconsin, we just can’t list them all.

Our Mission: We’re here to help promote local business, tell the public where they should go for good food, and give customers what they need to know before making a decision at any restaurant around town. The Cannery Public Market is dedicated to promoting Green Bay and its surrounding area as an up-coming place.

Food & Travel

Food and travel go together.  The Cannery Public Market is dedicated to exploring and finding new places to eat, to check out the menus before you go anywhere.

We won the People’s Choice Award Winner for best restaurant in Green Bay 2013 . The award was given by the editors of this site after visiting an area restaurant and checking out their menu.


Our fine dining establishment features unique flavors that range from Indian dishes to Mexican food. There are also vegetarian options available on this menu as well. The chef uses ingredients that always include a balanced portion of protein, carbs, and fat.

There’s a healthy mix of foods with animal proteins, and also vegan options that don’t sacrifice taste.  You can also check out our Green Bay specials listed below, which give you a chance to try something new every time!

However most importantly we have an abundance of choices for anyone’s taste buds!

Green Bay Restaurant Reviews & Awards

We’ve been recognized as one of the best restaurants in Northern Wisconsin by various publications and media outlets. It has been featured on Trip Advisor , The Green Bay Press-Gazette, and many more. Additionally we were voted “Best New Restaurants”

Our restaurant aims to give diners a taste of history with its creative takes on classic American cuisine, served up in an atmosphere both rustic and contemporary.

The menu currently includes three main dishes: Chargrilled Pork Tenderloin Steak Sandwich, Roasted Acorn Squash & Avocado BLT Salad, and Baked Shrimp & Creamy Grits; each is under $20.

For dessert there are four options: Pecan Pie Sundae, Spoil Your Sweet Tooth Sundae, Warm Copper Kettle Brownie & Vanilla Ice Cream, and Cinnamon Apple Empanada.

All desserts are available for $10

We’re coffee lovers so we’d like to serve a rotating selection of coffee and tea that will be locally sourced. Our current menu includes:

Pike’s Peak Iced Coffee (coldbrew with milk) – $4; Their Pike’s Peak is made from organic medium roast Guatemalan beans sourced from the family-owned Aldair Estate in Huehue, Guatemala.

Organic Hot Chocolate (with milk and whipped cream) – $5; The hot chocolate was created by our pastry chef for her children so she wouldn’t have to buy any other hot chocolates at the grocery store.

It starts with an intensely rich Mexican dark cocoa powder sifted together with sugar so it doesn’t clump, followed by adding water and mixing vigorously before finishing off.

Sneak Peek into the Market

Before opening our doors to the public we’re giving a sneak peek into the Cannery Market Place. It’s a casual, elegant place with quick service.

You’ll know where the food you’re eating came from. It’s true farm to table eating.

Our atmosphere is very important to be a real place where you can see cheese being made. There’s a wide variety of products you can purchase. Healthy and wholesome products is our mission to bring to you.

We hope that you know the people who produced our food care about animals. They take care of them with love. You won’t find it anywhere else.